乐鑫深圳代理商ESP32-C3 Wi-Fi & Bluetooth 5 (LE) MCU芯片模组
A cost-effective RISC-V MCU with Wi-Fi
and Bluetooth 5 (LE) connectivity for
secure IoT applications
安全、低功耗、低成本的 RISC-V MCU
支持 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 和 Bluetooth 5 (LE)
ESP32-C3 is a single-core Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5 (LE) microcontroller SoC, based on the open-source RISC-V architecture. It strikes the right balance of power, I/O capabilities and security, thus offering the optimal cost-effective solution for connected devices. The availability of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5 (LE) connectivity not only makes the device's configuration easy, but it also facilitates a variety of use-cases based on dual connectivity.
ESP32-C3 是一款安全稳定、低功耗、低成本的物联网芯片,搭载 RISC-V 32 位单核处理器,支持 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 和 Bluetooth 5 (LE)。为物联网产品提供行业领先的射频性能、完善的安全机制和丰富的内存资源。ESP32-C3 对 Wi-Fi 和 Bluetooth 5 (LE) 的双重支持降低了设备配网难度,适用于广泛的物联网应用场景。
RISC-V at the Core
ESP32-C3 integrates a 32-bit core RISC-V microcontroller with a maximum clock speed of 160 MHz. With 22 configurable GPIOs, 400 KB of internal RAM and low-power-mode support, it can facilitate many different use-cases involving connected devices. The MCU comes in multiple variants with integrated and external flash availability. The high-temperature support makes it ideal for industrial and lighting use-cases.
搭载 RISC-V 处理器
ESP32-C3 搭载 RISC-V 32 位单核处理器,时钟频率高达 160 MHz。具有 22 个可编程 GPIO 管脚、内置 400 KB SRAM,支持通过 SPI、Dual SPI、Quad SPI 和 QPI 接口外接多个 flash,满足各类物联网产品功能需求。此外,ESP32-C3 的耐高温特性也使其成为照明和工控领域的理想选择。
Rich Connectivity
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5 (LE) with long-range (LR) support help building devices with great coverage and improved usability. ESP32-C3 continues to support Bluetooth LE SIG Mesh and Espressif Wi-Fi Mesh. Furthermore, the solid RF performance of ESP32-C3 is sustained at a higher operating temperature.
ESP32-C3 集成 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 和支持长距离的 Bluetooth 5 (LE),有助于构建覆盖范围更广、射频性能更强的物联网设备。它还支持蓝牙 Mesh (Bluetooth Mesh) 协议和乐鑫 Wi-Fi Mesh,在较高的工作温度下仍能保持卓越的射频性能。
ESP32-C3 ensures that the availability of features, such as the RSA-3072-based secure boot and the AES-128-XTS-based flash encryption, can be used to build connected devices securely. The innovative digital signature peripheral and the HMAC peripheral provide a secure device identity for applications. Hardware acceleration support for cryptographic algorithms ensures good performance for the secure communication both in a local network and with the Cloud.
ESP32-C3 支持基于 RSA-3072 算法的安全启动和基于 AES-128-XTS 算法的 flash 加密功能,确保设备安全连接;创新的数字签名模块和 HMAC 模块确保设备身份安全;支持加密算法的硬件加速器确保设备在本地网络和云上安全传输数据。
Software Availability
ESP32-C3 is supported through Espressif’s open-source ESP-IDF that already powers millions of devices in the field. This ensures the availability of a robust SDK and tools, as well as an easy application migration path for developers. ESP32-C3 can also be used with an external host MCU, using ESP-AT and ESP-Hosted solutions.
ESP32-C3 沿用乐鑫成熟的物联网开发框架 ESP-IDF。ESP-IDF 已成功赋能了数以亿计的物联网设备,并历经了严格的测试和发布周期。开发人员基于其成熟的软件架构,凭借对 API 和工具的熟悉,将更容易构建 ESP32-C3 应用程序或进行程序迁移。ESP32-C3 也支持在从机模式下工作,可通过 ESP-AT 和 ESP-Hosted SDK 为外部主机 MCU 提供 Wi-Fi 与 Bluetooth LE 连接功能。
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