乐鑫wifi模块ESP32-LyraT V4.3 开发板入门指南
ESP32-LyraT V4.3 开发板入门指南
This guide provides users with functional descriptions, configuration options for ESP32-LyraT V4.3 audio development board, as well as how to get started with the ESP32-LyraT board. Check section Other Versions of LyraT, if you have different version of this board.
本指南旨在向用户介绍 ESP32-LyraT V4.3 音频开发版的功能、配置选项以及如何快速入门。如果您的开发板不是 4.3 版本,请前往 其他 LyraT 开发板版本。
The ESP32-LyraT is a hardware platform designed for the dual-core ESP32 audio applications, e.g., Wi-Fi or Bluetooth audio speakers, speech-based remote controllers, connected smart-home appliances with one or more audio functionality, etc.
乐鑫wifi模块ESP32-LyraT 开发板面向搭载 ESP32 双核芯片的音频应用领域,如 Wi-Fi 音箱、蓝牙音箱、语音遥控器以及所有需要音频功能的智能家居应用。
The ESP32-LyraT is a stereo audio board. If you are looking for a mono audio board, intended for lower end applications, check ESP32-LyraT-Mini V1.2 Getting Started Guide.
ESP32-LyraT 是一款立体声音频开发板,如需单声道音频开发板,请前往 ESP32-LyraT-Mini V1.2 入门指南。
What You Need
1 × ESP32 LyraT V4.3 board
2 x Speaker or headphones with a 3.5 mm jack. If you use a speaker, it is recommended to choose one no more than 3 watts, and JST PH 2.0 2-Pin plugs are needed. In case you do not have this type of plug it is also fine to use Dupont female jumper wires during development.
2 x Micro-USB 2.0 cables, Type A to Micro B
1 × PC loaded with Windows, Linux or Mac OS
1 × ESP32 LyraT V4.3 开发板
2 x 扬声器或 3.5 mm 的耳机(若使用扬声器,建议功率不超过 3 瓦特,另外需要接口为 JST PH 2.0 毫米 2 针的插头,若没有此插头,开发过程中可替换为杜邦母跳线)
2 x Micro-USB 2.0 数据线(Type A 转 Micro B)
1 × PC(Windows、 Linux 或 Mac OS)
The ESP32-LyraT V4.3 is an audio development board produced by Espressif built around ESP32. It is intended for audio applications, by providing hardware for audio processing and additional RAM on top of what is already onboard of the ESP32 chip. The specific hardware includes:
Audio Codec Chip
Dual Microphones on board
Headphone output
2 x 3-watt Speaker output
Dual Auxiliary Input
MicroSD Card slot (1 line or 4 lines)
Six buttons (2 physical buttons and 4 touch buttons)
JTAG header
Integrated USB-UART Bridge Chip
Li-ion Battery-Charge Management
乐鑫wifi模块ESP32-LyraT V4.3 是一款基于 乐鑫 ESP32 的开发板,专为音频应用市场打造,除 ESP32 芯片原有的硬件外,还提供了可用于音频处理硬件和扩展 RAM。具体包括以下硬件:
2 个 3-watt 扬声器输出
MicroSD 卡槽(一线模式或四线模式)
6 个按键(2 个物理按键和 4 个触摸按键)
集成 USB-UART 桥接芯片
The block diagram below presents main components of the ESP32-LyraT and interconnections between components.
下图展示的是乐鑫wifi模块ESP32-LyraT 的主要组件以及组件之间的连接方式。
ESP32-LyraT 开发板框图
The ESP32-WROVER module contains ESP32 chip to provide Wi-Fi / Bluetooth connectivity and data processing power as well as integrates 32 Mbit SPI flash and 32 Mbit PSRAM for flexible data storage.
乐鑫wifi模块ESP32-WROVER 模组采用 ESP32 芯片,可实现 Wi-Fi/蓝牙连接和数据处理,同时集成 32 Mbit SPI flash 和 32 Mbit PSRAM,可实现灵活的数据存储。
Headphone Output
Output socket to connect headphones with a 3.5 mm stereo jack.
输出插槽可连接 3.5 mm 立体声耳机。
The socket may be used with mobile phone headsets and is compatible with OMPT standard headsets only. It does not work with CTIA headsets. Please refer to Phone connector (audio) on Wikipedia.
该插槽可接入移动电话耳机,只与 OMPT 标准耳机兼容,与 CTIA 耳机不兼容。更多耳机标准信息请访问维基百科 Phone connector (audio) 词条。
ESP32-LyraT V4.3 开发板布局示意图
Left Speaker Output
Output socket to connect a speaker. The 4-ohm and 3-watt speaker is recommended. The pins have a 2.00 mm / 0.08” pitch.
音频输出插槽,采用 2.00 mm / 0.08” 排针间距,建议连接 4 欧姆 3 瓦特扬声器。
Right Speaker Output
Output socket to connect a speaker. The 4-ohm and 3-watt speaker is recommended. The pins have a 2.00 mm / 0.08” pitch.
音频输出插槽,采用 2.00 mm / 0.08” 排针间距,建议连接 4 欧姆 3 瓦特扬声器。
Boot/Reset Press Keys
Boot: holding down the Boot button and momentarily pressing the Reset button initiates the firmware upload mode. Then user can upload firmware through the serial port. Reset: pressing this button alone resets the system.
启动: 长按 Boot 键,然后按下 Reset 键进入烧写模式,此时可通过串行端口上传固件。复位:仅按下 Reset 键只能重置系统。
Audio Codec Chip
The Audio Codec Chip, ES8388, is a low power stereo audio codec with a headphone amplifier. It consists of 2-channel ADC, 2-channel DAC, microphone amplifier, headphone amplifier, digital sound effects, analog mixing and gain functions. It is interfaced with ESP32-WROVER Module over I2S and I2S buses to provide audio processing in hardware independently from the audio application.
乐鑫wifi模块ES8388 音频编解码芯片是一款低功耗立体声编解码器,它由双通道 ADC、双通道 DAC、麦克风放大器、耳机放大器、数字音效处理器、模拟混音和增益控制功能组成。该芯片通过 I2S 和 I2C 总线与 ESP32-WROVER 模组 连接,可在芯片内独立完成音频处理,无需依赖音频应用软件。
Functions as the communication interface between a PC and the ESP32 WROVER module.
作为 PC 和 ESP32 WROVER 模组之间的通信接口。
USB Power Port
Provides the power supply for the board.
USB 供电接口
Standby / Charging LEDs
The Standby green LED indicates that power has been applied to the Micro USB Port. The Charging red LED indicates that a battery connected to the Battery Socket is being charged.
绿色 待机 指示灯亮起时,表示电源已接入 Micro USB 接口;红色 充电 指示灯亮起时,表示连接至 电池接口 上的电池正在充电。
Power Switch
Power on/off knob: toggling it to the left powers the board on; toggling it to the right powers the board off.
Power On LED
Red LED indicating that Power On Switch is turned on.
红色指示灯亮起表示 电源开关 已开启。
Start Application Development
Before powering up the ESP32-LyraT, please make sure that the board has been received in good condition with no obvious signs of damage.
乐鑫wifi模块ESP32-LyraT 上电之前,请先确认开发板完好无损。
Initial Setup
Prepare the board for loading of the first sample application:
Connect speakers to the Right and Left Speaker Output. Connecting headphones to the Headphone Output is an option.
Plug in the Micro-USB cables to the PC and to both USB ports of the ESP32 LyraT.
The Standby LED (green) should turn on. Assuming that a battery is not connected, the Charging LED (red) will blink every couple of seconds.
Toggle left the Power On Switch.
The red Power On LED should turn on.
连接扬声器至 两个扬声器输出,或将耳机连接至 耳机输出。
插入 Micro-USB 数据线,连接 PC 与 ESP32-LyraT 开发板的 两个 USB 端口。
此时,绿色 待机指示灯 应亮起。若电池未连接,红色 充电指示灯 每隔几秒闪烁一次。
向左拨动 电源开关。
此时,红色 电源指示灯 应亮起。
If this is what you see on the LEDs, the board should be ready for application upload. Now prepare the PC by loading and configuring development tools what is discussed in the next section.
如果指示灯如上述显示,则初始设置已经完成,开发板可用于下载应用程序。现在,请按下文介绍运行并配置 PC 上的开发工具。
Develop Applications
Once the board is initially set up and checked, you can start preparing the development tools. The Section Installation Step by Step will walk you through the following steps:
Set up ESP-IDF to get a common development framework for the ESP32 (and ESP32-S2) chips in C language;
Get ESP-ADF to install the API specific to audio applications;
Setup Path to ESP-ADF to make the framework aware of the audio specific API;
Start a Project that will provide a sample audio application for the board;
Connect Your Device to prepare the application for loading;
Build the Project to finally run the application and play some music.
若已完成初始设置,请准备开发工具。请前往 Installation Step by Step 查看以下步骤的:
Set up ESP-IDF 提供一套 ESP32 和 ESP32-S2 芯片的 C 语言 PC 开发编译环境;
Get ESP-ADF 获取开发音频应用程序的 API;
Setup Path to ESP-ADF 使开发框架获取到音频应用 API;
Start a Project 为开发板提供音频应用程序示例;
Connect Your Device 准备加载应用程序;
Build the Project 运行应用程序,播放音乐。
Summary of Key Changes from LyraT V4.2
Removed Red LED indicator light.
Introduced headphone jack insert detection.
Replaced single Power Amplifier (PA) chip with two separate chips.
Updated power management design of several circuits: Battery Charging, ESP32, MicorSD, Codec Chip and PA.
Updated electrical implementation design of several circuits: UART, Codec Chip, Left and Right Microphones, AUX Input, Headphone Output, MicroSD, Push Buttons and Automatic Upload.
与 LyraT V4.2 相比的主要变化
移除红色 LED 指示灯;
更新一些电路的电器实施设计:UART、编解码芯片、左右两侧麦克风、AUX 输入、耳机输出、MicroSD、按键以及自动上传。
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